Sunday, January 13, 2008

Day 13

Prompt 13
"When in doubt, take a bath."
Mae West
Don't you just love Mae West! Ok I dont want any nude photos, lol.

So if I'm in doubt just like on 'who wants to be a millionaire" I phone a friend! The truth of the matter is I just love chatting!! I have never been one to play my cards close to my chest - the world and his mother knows my business..I don't DO discreet!! It drives my DH mad that I have to chat about everything with my family and friends but it's great therapy for me and it helps me to make my own decsions!!
If in doubt phone a friend that's my motto. It's not that I can'y make my own decisions but it's good to know I'm right!


Shirley said...

I really loved your take on todays prompt.

What a great friend you must be :)

Tanya said...

Great interpretation of todays prompt. I totally stated the obvious on mine. Did not think outside the box like you did.
This is brilliant!!

willowthewysp said...

A great take on todays prompt! Well done:)
As usual your photo is fab!

Brad said...

Hey, who's the hot babe on the phone? Just had a look to catch up with things, and very impressed honey! I guess I have to live with football on the couch alone in order to support your scrap habits, ah the sacrifice! Just give me a fruit and nut chocolate bar occasionally and I'll be happy.